

With a view to establishing a platform for advanced training, education and research in the field of GI endoscopy, Dr Amol Bapaye set up a Foundation for Research and Education in Endoscopy ('FREE' ) in Jan 2013. The purpose of establishing this public charitable trust was to enable the general public easy, widespread and convenient access to the latest non-invasive techniques in GI endoscopy.


The main objectives of FREE are :


  • Promotion of research and education in Gastrointestinal endoscopy.
  • Impart technical and clinical training to doctors and endoscopists.
  • awareness seminars for the general public.
  • conduct research in GI endoscopy and publish research papers at national / international forums.
  • create and maintain an audio-visual library of endoscopic procedures for the benefit of doctors and students.
  • Encourge original ideas in GI endoscopy research and facilitate their progression into realistic clinical solutions.
Dr. Bapaye © Copyright 2013. All Rights Reserved.